Source: gameobjects/Button.js

* @author       Richard Davey <>
* @copyright    2014 Photon Storm Ltd.
* @license      {@link|MIT License}

* @class Phaser.Button
* @classdesc Create a new `Button` object. A Button is a special type of Sprite that is set-up to handle Pointer events automatically. The four states a Button responds to are:
* * 'Over' - when the Pointer moves over the Button. This is also commonly known as 'hover'.
* * 'Out' - when the Pointer that was previously over the Button moves out of it.
* * 'Down' - when the Pointer is pressed down on the Button. I.e. touched on a touch enabled device or clicked with the mouse.
* * 'Up' - when the Pointer that was pressed down on the Button is released again.
* You can set a unique texture frame and Sound for any of these states.
* @constructor
* @param {Phaser.Game} game Current game instance.
* @param {number} [x=0] - X position of the Button.
* @param {number} [y=0] - Y position of the Button.
* @param {string} [key] - The image key as defined in the Game.Cache to use as the texture for this Button.
* @param {function} [callback] - The function to call when this Button is pressed.
* @param {object} [callbackContext] - The context in which the callback will be called (usually 'this').
* @param {string|number} [overFrame] - This is the frame or frameName that will be set when this button is in an over state. Give either a number to use a frame ID or a string for a frame name.
* @param {string|number} [outFrame] - This is the frame or frameName that will be set when this button is in an out state. Give either a number to use a frame ID or a string for a frame name.
* @param {string|number} [downFrame] - This is the frame or frameName that will be set when this button is in a down state. Give either a number to use a frame ID or a string for a frame name.
* @param {string|number} [upFrame] - This is the frame or frameName that will be set when this button is in an up state. Give either a number to use a frame ID or a string for a frame name.
Phaser.Button = function (game, x, y, key, callback, callbackContext, overFrame, outFrame, downFrame, upFrame) {

    x = x || 0;
    y = y || 0;
    key = key || null;
    callback = callback || null;
    callbackContext = callbackContext || this;, game, x, y, key, outFrame);

    * @property {number} type - The Phaser Object Type.
    this.type = Phaser.BUTTON;

    * @property {string} _onOverFrameName - Internal variable.
    * @private
    * @default
    this._onOverFrameName = null;
    * @property {string} _onOutFrameName - Internal variable.
    * @private
    * @default
    this._onOutFrameName = null;
    * @property {string} _onDownFrameName - Internal variable.
    * @private
    * @default
    this._onDownFrameName = null;

    * @property {string} _onUpFrameName - Internal variable.
    * @private
    * @default
    this._onUpFrameName = null;
    * @property {number} _onOverFrameID - Internal variable.
    * @private
    * @default
    this._onOverFrameID = null;
    * @property {number} _onOutFrameID - Internal variable.
    * @private
    * @default
    this._onOutFrameID = null;
    * @property {number} _onDownFrameID - Internal variable.
    * @private
    * @default
    this._onDownFrameID = null;

    * @property {number} _onUpFrameID - Internal variable.
    * @private
    * @default
    this._onUpFrameID = null;

    * @property {Phaser.Sound} onOverSound - The Sound to be played when this Buttons Over state is activated.
    * @default
    this.onOverSound = null;

    * @property {Phaser.Sound} onOutSound - The Sound to be played when this Buttons Out state is activated.
    * @default
    this.onOutSound = null;

    * @property {Phaser.Sound} onDownSound - The Sound to be played when this Buttons Down state is activated.
    * @default
    this.onDownSound = null;

    * @property {Phaser.Sound} onUpSound - The Sound to be played when this Buttons Up state is activated.
    * @default
    this.onUpSound = null;

    * @property {string} onOverSoundMarker - The Sound Marker used in conjunction with the onOverSound.
    * @default
    this.onOverSoundMarker = '';

    * @property {string} onOutSoundMarker - The Sound Marker used in conjunction with the onOutSound.
    * @default
    this.onOutSoundMarker = '';

    * @property {string} onDownSoundMarker - The Sound Marker used in conjunction with the onDownSound.
    * @default
    this.onDownSoundMarker = '';

    * @property {string} onUpSoundMarker - The Sound Marker used in conjunction with the onUpSound.
    * @default
    this.onUpSoundMarker = '';

    * @property {Phaser.Signal} onInputOver - The Signal (or event) dispatched when this Button is in an Over state.
    this.onInputOver = new Phaser.Signal();
    * @property {Phaser.Signal} onInputOut - The Signal (or event) dispatched when this Button is in an Out state.
    this.onInputOut = new Phaser.Signal();
    * @property {Phaser.Signal} onInputDown - The Signal (or event) dispatched when this Button is in an Down state.
    this.onInputDown = new Phaser.Signal();
    * @property {Phaser.Signal} onInputUp - The Signal (or event) dispatched when this Button is in an Up state.
    this.onInputUp = new Phaser.Signal();

    * @property {boolean} freezeFrames - When true the Button will cease to change texture frame on all events (over, out, up, down).
    this.freezeFrames = false;

    * When the Button is touched / clicked and then released you can force it to enter a state of "out" instead of "up".
    * @property {boolean} forceOut
    * @default
    this.forceOut = false;

    this.setFrames(overFrame, outFrame, downFrame, upFrame);

    if (callback !== null)
        this.onInputUp.add(callback, callbackContext);

    this.input.start(0, true);

    //  Redirect the input events to here so we can handle animation updates, etc, this);, this);, this);, this);


Phaser.Button.prototype = Object.create(Phaser.Sprite.prototype);
Phaser.Button.prototype = Phaser.Utils.extend(true, Phaser.Button.prototype, Phaser.Sprite.prototype, PIXI.Sprite.prototype);
Phaser.Button.prototype.constructor = Phaser.Button;

* Clears all of the frames set on this Button.
* @method Phaser.Button.prototype.clearFrames
Phaser.Button.prototype.clearFrames = function () {

    this._onOverFrameName = null;
    this._onOverFrameID = null;

    this._onOutFrameName = null;
    this._onOutFrameID = null;

    this._onDownFrameName = null;
    this._onDownFrameID = null;

    this._onUpFrameName = null;
    this._onUpFrameID = null;


* Used to manually set the frames that will be used for the different states of the Button.
* @method Phaser.Button.prototype.setFrames
* @param {string|number} [overFrame] - This is the frame or frameName that will be set when this button is in an over state. Give either a number to use a frame ID or a string for a frame name.
* @param {string|number} [outFrame] - This is the frame or frameName that will be set when this button is in an out state. Give either a number to use a frame ID or a string for a frame name.
* @param {string|number} [downFrame] - This is the frame or frameName that will be set when this button is in a down state. Give either a number to use a frame ID or a string for a frame name.
* @param {string|number} [upFrame] - This is the frame or frameName that will be set when this button is in an up state. Give either a number to use a frame ID or a string for a frame name.
Phaser.Button.prototype.setFrames = function (overFrame, outFrame, downFrame, upFrame) {


    if (overFrame !== null)
        if (typeof overFrame === 'string')
            this._onOverFrameName = overFrame;
            if (this.input.pointerOver())
                this.frameName = overFrame;
            this._onOverFrameID = overFrame;

            if (this.input.pointerOver())
                this.frame = overFrame;

    if (outFrame !== null)
        if (typeof outFrame === 'string')
            this._onOutFrameName = outFrame;

            if (this.input.pointerOver() === false)
                this.frameName = outFrame;
            this._onOutFrameID = outFrame;

            if (this.input.pointerOver() === false)
                this.frame = outFrame;

    if (downFrame !== null)
        if (typeof downFrame === 'string')
            this._onDownFrameName = downFrame;

            if (this.input.pointerDown())
                this.frameName = downFrame;
            this._onDownFrameID = downFrame;

            if (this.input.pointerDown())
                this.frame = downFrame;

    if (upFrame !== null)
        if (typeof upFrame === 'string')
            this._onUpFrameName = upFrame;

            if (this.input.pointerUp())
                this.frameName = upFrame;
            this._onUpFrameID = upFrame;

            if (this.input.pointerUp())
                this.frame = upFrame;


* Sets the sounds to be played whenever this Button is interacted with. Sounds can be either full Sound objects, or markers pointing to a section of a Sound object.
* The most common forms of sounds are 'hover' effects and 'click' effects, which is why the order of the parameters is overSound then downSound.
* Call this function with no parameters at all to reset all sounds on this Button.
* @method Phaser.Button.prototype.setSounds
* @param {Phaser.Sound} [overSound] - Over Button Sound.
* @param {string} [overMarker] - Over Button Sound Marker.
* @param {Phaser.Sound} [downSound] - Down Button Sound.
* @param {string} [downMarker] - Down Button Sound Marker.
* @param {Phaser.Sound} [outSound] - Out Button Sound.
* @param {string} [outMarker] - Out Button Sound Marker.
* @param {Phaser.Sound} [upSound] - Up Button Sound.
* @param {string} [upMarker] - Up Button Sound Marker.
Phaser.Button.prototype.setSounds = function (overSound, overMarker, downSound, downMarker, outSound, outMarker, upSound, upMarker) {

    this.setOverSound(overSound, overMarker);
    this.setOutSound(outSound, outMarker);
    this.setDownSound(downSound, downMarker);
    this.setUpSound(upSound, upMarker);


* The Sound to be played when a Pointer moves over this Button.
* @method Phaser.Button.prototype.setOverSound
* @param {Phaser.Sound} sound - The Sound that will be played.
* @param {string} [marker] - A Sound Marker that will be used in the playback.
Phaser.Button.prototype.setOverSound = function (sound, marker) {

    this.onOverSound = null;
    this.onOverSoundMarker = '';

    if (sound instanceof Phaser.Sound)
        this.onOverSound = sound;

    if (typeof marker === 'string')
        this.onOverSoundMarker = marker;


* The Sound to be played when a Pointer moves out of this Button.
* @method Phaser.Button.prototype.setOutSound
* @param {Phaser.Sound} sound - The Sound that will be played.
* @param {string} [marker] - A Sound Marker that will be used in the playback.
Phaser.Button.prototype.setOutSound = function (sound, marker) {

    this.onOutSound = null;
    this.onOutSoundMarker = '';

    if (sound instanceof Phaser.Sound)
        this.onOutSound = sound;

    if (typeof marker === 'string')
        this.onOutSoundMarker = marker;


* The Sound to be played when a Pointer presses down on this Button.
* @method Phaser.Button.prototype.setDownSound
* @param {Phaser.Sound} sound - The Sound that will be played.
* @param {string} [marker] - A Sound Marker that will be used in the playback.
Phaser.Button.prototype.setDownSound = function (sound, marker) {

    this.onDownSound = null;
    this.onDownSoundMarker = '';

    if (sound instanceof Phaser.Sound)
        this.onDownSound = sound;

    if (typeof marker === 'string')
        this.onDownSoundMarker = marker;


* The Sound to be played when a Pointer has pressed down and is released from this Button.
* @method Phaser.Button.prototype.setUpSound
* @param {Phaser.Sound} sound - The Sound that will be played.
* @param {string} [marker] - A Sound Marker that will be used in the playback.
Phaser.Button.prototype.setUpSound = function (sound, marker) {

    this.onUpSound = null;
    this.onUpSoundMarker = '';

    if (sound instanceof Phaser.Sound)
        this.onUpSound = sound;

    if (typeof marker === 'string')
        this.onUpSoundMarker = marker;


* Internal function that handles input events.
* @protected
* @method Phaser.Button.prototype.onInputOverHandler
* @param {Phaser.Button} sprite - The Button that the event occured on.
* @param {Phaser.Pointer} pointer - The Pointer that activated the Button.
Phaser.Button.prototype.onInputOverHandler = function (sprite, pointer) {

    if (this.freezeFrames === false)

    if (this.onOverSound)

    if (this.onInputOver)
        this.onInputOver.dispatch(this, pointer);

* Internal function that handles input events.
* @protected
* @method Phaser.Button.prototype.onInputOutHandler
* @param {Phaser.Button} sprite - The Button that the event occured on.
* @param {Phaser.Pointer} pointer - The Pointer that activated the Button.
Phaser.Button.prototype.onInputOutHandler = function (sprite, pointer) {

    if (this.freezeFrames === false)

    if (this.onOutSound)

    if (this.onInputOut)
        this.onInputOut.dispatch(this, pointer);

* Internal function that handles input events.
* @protected
* @method Phaser.Button.prototype.onInputDownHandler
* @param {Phaser.Button} sprite - The Button that the event occured on.
* @param {Phaser.Pointer} pointer - The Pointer that activated the Button.
Phaser.Button.prototype.onInputDownHandler = function (sprite, pointer) {

    if (this.freezeFrames === false)

    if (this.onDownSound)

    if (this.onInputDown)
        this.onInputDown.dispatch(this, pointer);

* Internal function that handles input events.
* @protected
* @method Phaser.Button.prototype.onInputUpHandler
* @param {Phaser.Button} sprite - The Button that the event occured on.
* @param {Phaser.Pointer} pointer - The Pointer that activated the Button.
Phaser.Button.prototype.onInputUpHandler = function (sprite, pointer, isOver) {

    if (this.onUpSound)

    if (this.onInputUp)
        this.onInputUp.dispatch(this, pointer, isOver);

    if (this.freezeFrames)

    if (this.forceOut)
        //  Button should be forced to the Out frame when released.
        if (this._onUpFrameName || this._onUpFrameID)
            if (isOver)


* Internal function that handles Button state changes.
* @protected
* @method Phaser.Button.prototype.setState
* @param {number} newState - The new State of the Button.
Phaser.Button.prototype.setState = function (newState) {

    if (newState === 1)
        //  Over
        if (this._onOverFrameName != null)
            this.frameName = this._onOverFrameName;
        else if (this._onOverFrameID != null)
            this.frame = this._onOverFrameID;
    else if (newState === 2)
        //  Out
        if (this._onOutFrameName != null)
            this.frameName = this._onOutFrameName;
        else if (this._onOutFrameID != null)
            this.frame = this._onOutFrameID;
    else if (newState === 3)
        //  Down
        if (this._onDownFrameName != null)
            this.frameName = this._onDownFrameName;
        else if (this._onDownFrameID != null)
            this.frame = this._onDownFrameID;
    else if (newState === 4)
        //  Up
        if (this._onUpFrameName != null)
            this.frameName = this._onUpFrameName;
        else if (this._onUpFrameID != null)
            this.frame = this._onUpFrameID;

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